Victor García Font, researcher at IN3’s K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks research group and lecturer at UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, ...
We offer support to the entrepreneurial projects of the UOC community depending on the stage in which they establish and the needs that arise: from the validation of the idea to the acceleration.
The main aim of Hubbik is to promote entrepreneurship, open innovation, support for knowledge transfer of results, and cooperation between the entire UOC community (students, alumni, teaching staff, ...
In this seminar we will explore the relationships that are knitted between our bodies, as producers and generators of data, and artificial intelligence systems. The aim will be to take a journey that ...
The Amazon is not only the world’s largest tropical forest, but it is also a symbol of a radical transformation of ways of thinking about and inhabiting the world. In this conversation with the writer ...
This presentation analyses the role of translation programs in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Uruguay, focusing on their reach and limitations within the global translation landscape. By examining ...
The study, in which two UOC faculty members participated, aims to reduce traffic congestion and improve last-mile delivery The proposed solution consists of identifying a series of delivery points, ...
The rapid integration of digital technologies in healthcare poses major ethical challenges The UOC is organizing a conference to discuss the ethical repercussions of AI, mobile health applications and ...
La rectora de la UOC, Àngels Fitó, és la nova presidenta del Centre Interuniversitari de Desenvolupament (CINDA) ...
El món acadèmic es decanta cada vegada més per situar les aplicacions d'IA com una eina més de suport en tot el procés de ...
Una de les grans novetats formatives de la UOC en el seu trentè aniversari són les microcredencials, unes formacions de curta ...