District officials acknowledged that in 12 years, Aleysha Ortiz never received reading instruction or intervention.
Romero: Many Hispanic children don't have the educational support I got from my Mexican family. Some ways to fix that.
Many NYC schools are leaning more heavily on data to figure out supports for chronically absent students. They're also using ...
Amid a record number of campus gun incidents, a new White House effort puts the focus on controversial mass shooting ...
At Crosstown High, an XQ school in Memphis, Tennessee, computer science teacher Mohammed Al harthy sees AI as a partner in ...
Re-Imagining Migration webinar draws participants from across the country, many saying the current political climate is ...
Schools raced to offer tutoring during COVID, buoyed by evidence of huge benefits. But bigger programs yield smaller gains, according to a new study.
Volunteers have been key to helping students recover from pandemic learning losses through tutoring, fighting chronic ...
Dozens of districts sued Texas saying the ratings painted an unfair picture of their schools. Others voluntarily have ...
Schools have to say by the end of this month how they plan to spend the last of their $123 billion from the American Rescue ...
Computer labs at Delaware libraries closed after hackers seized control of the virtual servers that run the facility’s public ...
Dumas School District stayed afloat due to layoffs and closing a school building, leading to public frustration.