In 2021, IUCN launched the IUCN Flagship Report Series, to help demonstrate the importance of conserving nature for human well-being and all life on Earth. This report, the second in the series, ...
IUCN and REDEIA, formerly known as Red Eléctrica de España, have signed a new agreement to advance biodiversity assessments and conservation actions ...
Intégrer l'éducation à la nature dans les systèmes éducatifs formels, non formels et informels. Partagez votre savoir-faire ! Luis Alberto Camargo is the founder and Director of the Organization for ...
Pangolins are the most heavily trafficked mammal in the world. This report explores Lao PDR’s role in the illegal pangolin trade and discusses the findings of two market surveys, conducted in several ...
La importancia de las aguas subterráneas en el desarrollo social y económico suele ser ignorada debido a que es un recurso oculto. Decisores de los gobiernos, inversionistas o productores locales on ...
The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation presents an overview of the regional conservation status of breeding raptors in the Mediterranean region. The region is one of the world’s richest in ...
Mediante la aplicación del Enfoque Basado en Derechos en la gestión de áreas protegidas y corredores biológicos, Honduras avanza en el cumplimiento de la Meta 22 del Marco Global de Biodiversidad ...
The Vision for Water and Nature is the "environment and ecosystems" component of the World Water Vision exercise of the World Water Council. It represents the first meaningful attempt to fully ...
Integrate nature education as part of the formal, non formal, and informal education systems. Share your expertise! Luis Alberto Camargo is the founder and Director of the Organization for ...
Los principales objetivos de este manual de referencia son a: ayudar a los administradores y a las autoridades encargadas de la gestión de bienes del Patrimonio Mundial natural y cultural a reducir ...
The deterioration and abandonment of cultural land-use practices have negatively affected the ecological diversity across a diverse range of Mediterranean landscapes. A sustainable approach that ...
The Task Force's mission is to foster the sustainable development of fisheries and to promote the conservation of the related marine ecosystems, to inform fisheries policy and related conservation ...