We are far better off today than ever before, thanks to the spread of education, enhanced technology, free markets, and ...
The International Labour Organization’s 2023 report on Generative AI and Jobs concluded that “most jobs and industries are ...
One way to counter the ‘Because you’re worth it’ individualism, that characterizes our times, is to celebrate the enduring power of collectivism—the power behind so much valuable human innovation and ...
Aesop’s parable of the hare and the tortoise can be applied to team selection. Job boards invariably ask for hares—‘self-starters,’ ‘innovators’ and ‘go-getters.’ But does loading your team with ...
Dr Wendy Shepherd is the Director of Individual and Organisational Impact at Cranfield Executive Development. She has an MBA and Executive Doctorate from Cranfield where her research interest was The ...
Hervé Coyco is an Adjunct Professor at HEC Paris, teaching on various programs at HEC. Most particularly, within HEC Executive Education, he is a Program Director for various programs, especially for ...
Professor Anne-Valérie Corboz is Associate Dean at HEC Paris Executive Education. Anne-Valérie is a best-selling business author and experienced faculty member. Her areas of focus include innovation, ...
Marieke Huysentruyt is Assistant Professor of Strategy at HEC Paris and Academic Director of the Center for Inclusive and Social Business at the S&O Institute, HEC Paris. Marieke Huysentruyt’s ...
Jean-Rémi Gratadour is the Executive Director in charge of Program Development at the HEC Paris Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center. He is also Coordinator of the MBA Digital Innovation ...
James Abdey is Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at LSE. He is Course Convenor of LSE’s online certificate course Data Analysis for Management.