The pilot in Germany is the second-largest one staged by 4 Day Week Global, a New Zealand-based advocacy group that has run ...
Europe’s waning competitiveness is once again in the spotlight. Addressing this long-standing problem will require, among ...
Why have some countries grown rich and others not? The three winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences – Daron ...
In Lagos, Nigeria, Tijjani Abubakar runs a surprising, and lucrative, business: He sells trash from one of the world’s ...
The vice-presidential debate between Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance earlier this month highlighted a ...
Rubana Huq’s garment factory is a constant cacophony of hissing steam irons, swooshing fans and snipping scissors. In the ...
The European Union has warned X that it may calculate fines against the social-media platform by including revenue from Elon Musk’s other businesses, including Space Exploration Technologies Corp. and ...
Če se je nemška gospodarska klima oktobra izboljšala in je evrsko gospodarstvo v nekoliko manjšem krču, tega ne moremo reči ...
Razpoloženje v podjetjih v Nemčiji se je oktobra nekoliko popravilo, kažejo sveži rezultati anketne raziskave nemškega ...
Naš cilj je, da do leta 2030 skrajšamo čas gradnje reaktorjev na 70 mesecev, pravi Vakis Ramany, direktor za mednarodni ...
Morda se triodstotno zmanjšanje goriva zdi skromno, a na letni ravni prevozniku, ki prevozi 120 tisoč kilometrov prinaša ...
Mednarodni tovornjak leta 2025 je eactros 600, ecitaro G pa je zmagovalec primerjalnega testa električnih avtobusov.