فيديو. تعرضت المناطق الجبلية جنوب شرق فرنسا لفيضانات هائلة بسبب أمطار غزيرة استمرت لأيام، ما تسبب في انقطاع الكهرباء وأضرار ...
French weather agency Météo-France said as much as 700 millimetres of rain fell in in 48 hours in some local areas in the ...
Güvenlik ve savunma Letonya'nın ulusal gündeminin ilk sıralarında yer alıyor. Rusya'nın Ukrayna'yı geniş çaplı işgalinin üzerinden neredeyse 1000 gün geçmişken Letonya diken üstünde. Yaklaşık iki ...
Last week, Italy formally opened two return hub centres in Albania under Rome's jurisdiction, where it plans to process ...
فيديو. يلفت تمثال الفنان الكولومبي "إيفان أرغوت" بعنوان "الديناصور"، وهو الذي يجسد حمامة عملاقة تطل على الجادة العاشرة في ...
Bei ihrem Besuch in Beirut forderte die italienische Regierungschefin alle Parteien auf, für die Sicherheit der ...
Pela primeira vez em 20 anos, os trabalhadores do setor automóvel italiano fizeram realizar uma greve nacional. Protesto ...
If the South Korean intelligence is confirmed, the troop deployment would bring a third country into the war and intensify ...
La isla ha sufrido una desconexión de todo su sistema eléctrico, provocando un apagón masivo en todo el país. La red ...
Torrential rain has triggered landslides and flooding in northern Italy, severely disrupting transport.
Video. Heavy rainfall in central and southern France has triggered the worst flooding the region has seen in 40 years.
Vídeo. Os deslizamentos de terras e as inundações provocados pelas chuvas torrenciais no Norte de Itália estão a causar ...