The species name greggii honors Josiah Gregg (1806 – 1850), a merchant, explorer, naturalist, and author of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. The needles are (7-)9-13(-15) cm x 1-1.2mm ...
The climate is temperate subhumid across most of the park, and semiwarm subhumid at lower elevations. Summer is the rainy season, with average annual rainfall ranging from 1500 mm to 450 mm in the ...
A semi-evergreen, upright, bushy perennial with dark green foliage and bright pink lipped flowers from summer through to autumn.
A semi-evergreen, upright, bushy perennial with dark green foliage and small magenta-pink lipped flowers from summer through to autumn.
New Mexico has a dry arid climate with very little rainfall, which means every little drop counts. If you want a drought-tolerant landscape, this xeriscaping guide for New Mexico homeowners is for you ...
Pine pollen is a yellow, powdery substance found in pine cones of certain pine tree species. Little is known about pine pollen nutritional value, and studies supporting any health claims are limited.