Zachary Bordner prepares a robotic great horned owl used to lure merlins for capture so they can ... The mission will enhance knowledge of a species still recovering from a significant drop-off caused ...
Great horned owl: The great horned owl and other birds of prey are expert ... Snakes: Yes, there are snake-killing snake species that prey on each other. Snakes like rattlesnakes, Eastern indigo ...
By adding an owl nest box to your garden you'll be providing these birds of prey a safe space. Plus, they'll help protect ...
Global Bird Weekend hit an amazing milestone – with a new world record set of 7,800 bird species seen by participants around the world in a 24-hour-period.
Dozens of chimney swifts have been observed, so named because they use buildings as part of their habitat. A family of birds ...
The 28th question of the hardest exam I’d taken since college was a smudged footprint pressed lightly into damp sand. The ...
Lucas Santure is the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Technician for Missaukee, Wexford, Kalkaska and Crawford ...
Who-o-o do you hear calling from the trees at night?
Lovecraft’s and King’s fictional whip-poor-wills draw on widespread Indigenous, European, and American beliefs about the species.
Will’s shrill, death-proclaiming song populates the works of Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft. But the bird itself has fallen ...
By behaving in ways that real whip-poor-wills never do, Dunwich’s nightjars symbolize the horrors the Whateleys unleash on ...
The whip-poor-will has been an omen of death for centuries -- what happened to this iconic bird of American horror?