'It is no longer self-evident that our children receive good education every day,' writes Ouders van Nu on their site. The magazine notices that more and more parents are concerned about the quality ...
In primary education, every employee has an annual basic budget of 40 hours for sustainable employability (part-timers pro rata). The hours are intended for peer review, study leave, coaching, ...
“To be honest, we were not at all happy with this collective agreement,” says director Charles Lohnstein of the Over Betuwe College in Elst. He spent many hours at the conference table in his office ...
The salary gap between primary and secondary education rises to 38 percent at the end of the career, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) points out in the report Education ...
One in five schools in Dutch secondary education can hardly find qualified teachers for the lower years. This is evident from the international Talis study of educational staff of the Organization for ...
The 354 victims of VMBO students from two schools in Maastricht do not have to retake their final exams. Education minister Arie Slob just announced this. Their scores will remain valid until January ...
With the new collective labor agreement for primary education, all staff in this education sector will gain 4,9 percent and there will be an October allowance for everyone. Furthermore, many ...
Your school board must continue to pay wages for the agreed amount of work. You must remain available for work insofar as you are not sick and the work must comply with the guidelines of the RIVM.
One group disbanded, seven groups with a four-day school week and part-time workers who started working full-time to keep the school running. The teacher shortage is hit hard at primary school De ...
De hele onderwijssector is klaar voor de vernieuwde kerndoelen die de afgelopen jaren zijn samengesteld door leraren, ...
Slechts 6 procent van de docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs is ‘van kleur’, tegenover 11 procent van de hele ...