While women overall are less likely to die of breast cancer now, some alarming disparities remain, a new American Canc ...
A new law just passed in California makes it the first state to tell public schools they may no longer serve foods tha ...
While rare, heart-related side effects sometimes follow a COVID-19 vaccine shot, new research shows that's more than o ...
Besides being useless in altering a person's sexuality or gender identity, so-called "conversion therapy" or "conversi ...
Blood cancer patients of all races who receive cord blood transplants are now living longer.The finding, reported by a ...
A new test called CheekAge, based on a quick swab of cells in the mouth, might someday be used to predict how long a p ...
A rare, highly contagious Ebola-like virus has claimed eight lives in Rwanda, and U.S. health officials are closely mo ...
Patients with  a fast-spreading blood cancer respond well to outpatient treatment with CAR-T therapy, the largest ...
Clinical trials sponsored by Big Pharma enrolled eight times as many patients as U.S.-government trials did between 20 ...
A shorter course of post-mastectomy radiation doesn't jeopardize a patient's chances of successful breast reconstruct ...
Few patients with abnormal protein dipstick results have follow-up albuminuria quantification, according to a researc ...
Time-restricted eating (TRE), limiting dietary intake to eight to 10 hours without mandating calorie restriction, com ...