Of course, putting a person into the foundation used to be the speciality of East End villains: there’s not a concrete bridge or flyover within the M25 about which dark rumours have not circulated. I ...
I am intrigued by Jesus’ tense conversation with the rich man in today’s gospel. It has evident implication for our approach to wealth. Because of this, Christians have disagreed about what it might ...
The 2025 festival, The Spirit of Water, is a companion piece to the Cathedral’s summer art exhibition, Living Water. Just as the art show explores the power of water, its ability to hold memories and ...
The Sunday Notices list the services and music for the coming week, our current prayer lists and notices from and for our community. If you have a notice you would like considered for inclusion in a ...
To close Baby Loss Awareness week with a remembrance for those lost. Location: Salisbury Cathedral Close, by the ‘Angels in Harmony’ sculpture. (Moved to Cloisters if the weather is wet) ...
For many people, the Tower Tour is the absolute highlight of their visit to Salisbury Cathedral. Wind your way up narrow spiral staircases climbing 332 steps in easy stages into our ancient roof ...
The temptation on a sermon on the feast of St Michael and All Angels is to either try to explain angels (to somehow make sense of them) or to explain them away (to disregard them somehow). I aim to ...
‘But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’. A Dedication Festival compels us to examine our relationship with history. I am conscious that I have long been prone ...
This week I did my first assembly with Bishop Wordsworth School next door. They are exploring the theme of Truth, and I was given the text from John’s Gospel of Pilate asking Jesus: ‘what is truth’ at ...
This year’s summer sermon series, Old Testament Shorts, is taking us into the less-frequented recesses of the Hebrew Bible. Today we come to the obscure prophet, Habakkuk. All that we know for certain ...