There lives the tarsier, which the Carnegie Museum's Beard cites as an example of the primate road not taken. "Tarsiers are pretty weird," says Beard, "They can turn their heads 270 degrees.
A tarsier is known for its big, beady eyes, but it's only when you look at a skull of this diminutive South East Asian primate that you realise just how big they are. Each one is the same size as ...
But not all nocturnal animals have reflective eyes - of any animal, tarsiers have instead evolved the largest eyes in relation to body size, allowing the small primates to maximise the amount of light ...
Learn more about these extraordinary and ancient primates (that aren't monkeys). Tarsiers are little-known nocturnal primates ...
Haplorhine - belonging to or characteristic of infraorder Haplorhini, the group of primates including tarsiers, monkeys, and apes Hominin - belonging to or characteristic of the primate group ...
Even these, however, are only the closest of our relatives within the Order Primates – a group that includes organisms as diverse as ring-tailed lemurs, tarsiers, and monkeys from both the Old ...
The operation involved multiple agencies, including the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, police, and military officers ...